Friday, October 2, 2015

Bruce Katz Rapping on the Metropolitan Revolution

Bruce Katz of the Brookings Institution gave his pitch for what they call the “Metropolitan Revolution” at TEDxHamburg back in July. Agree with him or not, this presentation is full of juicy quotes and provocations, including:

I no longer look to Washington to power my country forward. I look to cities.

The national government in the United States is essentially a health care company with an army.

The world is evolving as a network of cities….to bend state, national, and global policies to their will.

The revolution has only one logical conclusion, which is the inversion of the hierarchy of power.

National polices tend to be one size fits all.

The national government, like Elvis, has left the building.
When I want to feel good about America, literally I go to Detroit.

If I were leaving law school today, I would go to Detroit.

On the whole it’s a good summation of the current Brookings view on cities and worth a watch.

If the video doesn’t display for you, click over to watch on You Tube.

from The Urbanophile

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