It was great to get to meet the fantastic urban blogger Pete Saunders last week, when we were both together in Cleveland for a forum on the future of the American heartland. Pete’s post about the nine reasons why Detroit failed has been read over 40,000 times just since mid-2014 when I installed a new sitemeter (the post was originally put up in early 2012!) This is a good example of how compelling his insights on Midwest cities are.
Naturally I grabbed him for some conversation about cities and used part of it to record a podcast about Midwest cities and their future. Pete grew up in the city of Detroit, lived and went to school in Muncie, Indiana, and has lived and worked as a planner in the Chicago area for many years, doing work on projects around the country. If the audio player doesn’t display for you, click over to listen on Soundcloud.
Subscribe to podcast via iTunes | Soundcloud.
from Aaron M. Renn
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