Thursday, January 28, 2016

Ask Aaron Anything (And More on GE Leaving the Suburbs)

Photo by Bubba73 at en.wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0

Photo by Bubba73 at en.wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0

I have a few things for you today.

First, I’ve started playing around with Instagram, so if you’re an Instagrammer, you can follow me here:

Second, I used to have a section of every staff meeting back in my Accenture days called “Ask Aaron Anything” where I would field questions from my team. I want to start doing more of that here. What would you all like to know?  If anyone has questions you’d like me to answer here or in a podcast, please send me an email.

Third, I want to follow-up on my story about GE leaving Connecticut for Boston. WNPR radio in Hartford had me on to talk about this, so I want to share that segment with you today. If the audio player doesn’t display for you, click over to listen on Soundcloud.

Aaron Renn Podcast subscription links: iTunes | Soundcloud

from Aaron M. Renn

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